18 años ayudando a las empresas
a elegir el mejor software
Sobre MediaFire
Aplicación de intercambio de archivos que asiste a las empresas a cargar, organizar y compartir fotos, videos, documentos y otros archivos desde una plataforma unificada.
File sharing is easy as the user interface is easy to navigate.
Options that are only available with an upgrade are not greyed out or differentiated in some way, so I found it annoying that I had to click on them before seeing they were not available.
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Uno de los mejores servicios en la nube que existen.
Excelente servicio para administrar tus archivos en la nube y tambien para compartir estos mismos con mas personas con las medidas de seguridad que tu desees.
Contiene herramientas adicionales que te seran de ayuda.
Puntos a favor:
Me encanta la tasa de descarga, su facilida de su y la cantidad de personas que lo utilizan a comparacion de otrosservicios en la nube, esto nos da una gran divercificaion para que mas personas tengamos acceso al mismo servicio y facilitar su uso
Puntos en contra:
Tal vez deberian de mejorar la inferfaz para que sea mas moderna.
Un recurso muy valioso.
Comentarios: En general, mi experiencia después de muchos años es muy buena, y no cambiaría a otro. Me aporta muchos beneficios, y sobretodo lo mejor y que a día de hoy todos queremos, la rapidez y eficiencia.
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire es un gran conocido por todos, y todos sabemos qué nos aporta. Lo mejor su almacenamiento en la nube, que pueden ser hasta 50GB gratuitos, algo insuperable. Es un servidor muy veloz. Su almacenamiento de archivos es fácil y seguro, puedes almacenar fotos, vídeos...
Puntos en contra:
Hay veces que no se puede descargar varias cosas a la vez, lo hace de uno en uno y puede resultar tedioso.
La página para compartir archivos ideal, MediaFire
Comentarios: Es la página que más utilizo para descargar cualquier tipo de archivo, por toda la facilidad que permite la página.
Puntos a favor:
Para acceder a descargar cualquier tipo de archivo en MediaFire, solo se necesita el link de descarga, generalmente no necesitas ni tener una cuenta en la página. Por lo mismo, es mucho más fácil descargar archivos, ya que con un simple botón estarás descargando lo que necesitas.
Puntos en contra:
Han mejorado con los años el control contra los virus, sin embargo aún existen algunos que se pasan por alto por semanas.

Archivos en la nube
Comentarios: Mi experiencia con el uso de este sofware es muy bueno, de facil uso, sin complicaciones. Lo mas atractivo que tiene, es poder compartir mis archivos con otras personas a traves de un enlace, eso me parece excelente.
Puntos a favor:
Lo que mas me gusta de esta herramienta, es que su interfaz es muy buena y de facil uso, no requiere de conocimientos previos para poder usarlo. Es muy practico para subir distintos archivos con una buena capacidad de almacenamiento.
Puntos en contra:
Lo que menos me gusta es que en la version gratuita, tiene poca capacidad de almacenamiento en mi caso que suelo subir contenido de audio y fotografias y videos, con lo cual la capacidad la capidad que dispongo se agota en poco tiempo, y esto me lleva a tener que eliminar archivos que he subido. Comprar la version premiun para mi es cara.
Reseña a mediafire
Comentarios: Ha sido buena ya que me ha facilitado compartir archivos con otros usuarios.
Puntos a favor:
Su facilidad para compartir y almacenar datos entre usuarios en su sistema.
Puntos en contra:
La poca seguridad que tiene ya que, se ha reportado que al compartir archivos se pueden corromper con virus.
Descargas casi sin límites
Comentarios: Utilizada semanalmente para la descarga de archivos de gran tamaño. A pesar de presentar algunas limitaciones al momento de descargar, es una herramienta fiable y segura. Compatible totalmente con jDownloader.
Puntos a favor:
Permite la descarga de archivos de gran tamaño. Cuenta con la posibilidad de compartir directorios que almacenen gran cantidad de archivos .
Puntos en contra:
Presenta limitaciones para descargas archivos. Su interfaz de usuario no es muy intuitiva y dificulta la usabilidad de la herramienta.
media fire , almacenamiento en la nube para empresas dle diseño y construccion
Puntos a favor:
la facilidad para mantener archivos en la nube , de una manera segura y poder acceder desde cualquier pais
Puntos en contra:
la limitacion enel espacio de almacenamiento

Friendly, fast and Secure
Comentarios: MediaFire helps me store documents which helps to prevent potential losses.
Puntos a favor:
Mediafire provides an enterprise-level file cloud-based storage solution. It's the best cloud-based file backup software I've ever encountered. The main reasons I still use it now and thus, recommend are because: - it is because it's super fast and from personal analysis, I think it runs on ultra-fast servers which tremendously speeds up file upload and download processes. - file sharing is easy as the user interface is easy to navigate -It's easily accessible, mobile friendly, and provides robust file security solutions with cutting-edge technologies that protect users from account hacking and data phishing. It's a safe place for my files tho.
Puntos en contra:
It only supports a few integrations and lots of my favorite apps seem to not be supported yet.

Alternativas consideradas previamente:
My Favorite Cloud Hosting Service
Comentarios: I've used MediaFire for around 15 years and have had no issues with lost files or anything. It's a great hosting service.
Puntos a favor:
I've used MediaFire since it first started in beta. Since that's the case, I have extra storage space as it started out with way more space, if not unlimited, at the time. They've changed that up but it's still affordable. It functions really well and is even great for image sharing. I like that it gives you instant links to share the picture directly with anyone else. The download and upload speeds are really fast as well.
Puntos en contra:
I'm pretty sure that it originally had unlimited storage when it first came out. I understand why they changed it up and started charging for it but it's still really affordable and it's still my favorite hosting website to this day.
Mediafire? never Again!
Comentarios: I had a MediaFire account open for about 10 years. Yesterday, out of the blue, I received an email stating that on February 28th, my account will be suspended, and I won't be able to access it anymore. They wrote to me claiming that I violated their Terms of Service. It's a shame because I only upload work files created by me without breaking any rules for years. Moreover, I hadn't uploaded any files for weeks. So, I opened a ticket as suggested by them to try to resolve the issue, and I received a response from someone named LaChandra without any explanation, simply copying the email I had already received. She didn't tell me what the problem was and informed me that my account has been permanently closed. This treatment is absurd, the service and assistance are terrible. I lost numerous important work files, and they don't even have the decency to help me understand and resolve the situation somehow. Never again. Better Mega / Dropbox / google drive.
Useful for Basic File Sharing
Comentarios: A reliable option for basic storage and sharing, but could use more features for serious cloud storage.
Puntos a favor:
No advanced features like sync or backup; ads on the free plan can be annoying.
Puntos en contra:
Easy to use, good free storage, simple file sharing with links.

Storage for you, me and everyone
Comentarios: I used it to share my files with my students so that everyone could collaborate on teamwork. in addition to files and stems of my musical projects
Puntos a favor:
I am very happy with mediafire since I can use it in 2 easy ways, as a public link or as a storage for myself. The types of view as a search engine and as a unique link is what seems perfect to me. Uploading documents simultaneously is one of its best virtues. That they have a stable and available mobile application for IOS which is something that not everyone has.
Puntos en contra:
I can't find anything wrong with Mediafire, I would rank it as one of the best online storage services.
Alternativas consideradas previamente:
Easy File Sharing For Free But Annoying Ads In Free Version
Comentarios: The software was useful for quickly sharing large files and I suppose the ads are a necessary evil so there is a free version, but it was not good that some of these ads are popups and could be generally better selected to be less annoying.
Puntos a favor:
I wanted to share a large video with friends and family and other online utilities couldn't handle the size. Mediafire seemed to work (but I still had to split the video up into 4 parts so that the complete video could be downloaded. It included a nice feature to earn extra free space e.g. by referring to friends or sharing on social media I liked the way you didn't necessarily have to create an account to use the software (but see the minor gripe I had re this in the cons).
Puntos en contra:
The “Welcome to your new my files” screen didn't quite match the actual screen e.g. it does not show "FILTER" on the former. It was not clear that I could drag a file onto the upload screen however, I discovered by experimenting that this was possible. I could not lookup help e.g. I clicked on help expecting to be able to search on a topic, but it just took me to a “submit a ticket” screen. People I shared a link (to a video) with had to give their consent to use personal data. (You don't get this with Youtube when you share a video). People I shared a link (to a video) with were displayed annoying adverts. One Ad included a big download button which my friends could easily have misconstrued as the button to download the video (and they would have been very annoyed with me if they had downloaded something dodgy). The ads are necessary (I supposed) to keep it free, but they include annoying pop-up ads No warning to me that the people I share a link with will see ads including popups. When I'm not logged in, I still get a logout option on the left-hand side. I would expect a login option there. Options that are only available with an upgrade are not greyed out or differentiated in some way, so I found it annoying that I had to click on them before seeing they were not available. The filter was rather limited e.g. I could not set it so I could view all video and all audio files (filtering out the rest); it had to be just video or just audio.
Perhaps the best file sharing software of internet
Comentarios: I discovered Mediafire a lot of years ago and I never changed it, other softwares are not fast as it is.
Puntos a favor:
Mediafire is fast and the interface easy to understand. There are not a lot of ads as for the others file sharing software. Also the download speed and upload speed are amazing
Puntos en contra:
Maybe it would be very useful to have a major upload limit for file sharing, as you need to be premium.

The best software for me
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire has always been my first choices for years at this point; both upload and download are amazing, especially the download speed. I usually use it for cloud-storage and it never disappointed me. I consider it the best software, my files have never been lost or damaged and thanks to the simple friendly-user interface, it's really a pleasure to use.
Puntos en contra:
I have nothing to complain about, it works perfectly.

One of the best
Puntos a favor:
Mediafire is an easy to use software, which is rather useful when it comes to cloud storage and to share files. The upload is amazing and the download is really really fast, I love it.
Puntos en contra:
Would prefer if there was an option to stop and resume the downloads from where I stopped them. Sometimes my internet is awful and, even though the process isn't that slow, I would prefer to postpone the downloads/uploads and it's really difficult. I am forced to uplolad/download from 0 everytime.
Fantastic Alternative to Google Drive
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire allows you to easily upload and share documents and folders that are too large to be emailed or cannot be compressed. The interface is very user-friendly and intuitive. Simply drag-and-drop or browse and upload, then share files. MediaFire also gives you 10GB of free storage for files up to a bonus of 50GB.
Puntos en contra:
For multiple large files, I prefer to use Google Drive as I have more features to manage files, modify folders, reupload documents and manage permissions without the need to resend the document.

Una garanzia
Puntos a favor:
Mi sono sempre trovata perfettamente con MediaFire; lo ritengo essere uno dei software più attrezzati e forti in questo ambito. Sia in download che upload, è veramente veloce e riesco a trasferire anche a dispositivi differenti, senza alcun problema, tutto ciò del quale ho bisogno. E' molto semplice ed intuitivo e per questo lo ritengo il migliore sul mercato.
Puntos en contra:
MediaFire, durante tutti questi anni di utilizzo, non ha mai presentato alcun tipo di problema, svolgendo adeguatamente e senza distruggere le aspettative ogni qual tipo di mansione.
Ottimo strumento per la condivisione dei file
Comentarios: MI sono trovato ad usare questo strumento per un pò di tempo e ne sono rimasto davvero molto soddisfatto. La facilità di utilizzo permette anche a un utente meno esperto di poter utilizzarlo senza nessun problema. La condivisione tramite software permette di poter condividere in varie maniere qualsiasi file che si voglia e di renderlo disponibile sia a tutti o solo a determinate persone tramite protezione. Il tutto gestibile sia da pc che da Smartphone tramite app integrando funzioni di controllo con cui è possibile vedere sia chi ha scaricato il file o renderlo disponibile solo alla persona a cui si è inviato il link. Infine mette a disposizione 50gb di spazio per conservare i propri file o di effettuare backup di qualsiasi tipo.
Puntos a favor:
Uno strumento dal facile utilizzo, che in pochi passi ti permette di condividere in tante maniere file senza bisogno di portarli con se fisicamente.
Puntos en contra:
Nella versione Free la velocità di caricamento e di Download risulta un po' lenta rispetto ai suoi competitor, cosa che invece non accade nella versione a pagamento dove si raggiungono alte velocità.

Da sempre una Garanzia
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire si è presentato come software degno sia di nome che di fatto: i files sono facili da far upload, e da far download. In pochi istanti sono riuscita con facilità a fare backup dei files più importanti, e riesco sempre a ritrovarli con semplicità. Perfetta!
Puntos en contra:
MediaFire non mi ha ancora dato nessun segno di cedimento, anzi si sta rivelando il mio software preferito in questo ambito per la sua professionalità.

Ottime Prestazioni
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire mi permette di caricare in upload ad una velocità ottima, e mi permette di scaricare in download ogni files che mi serve in poco tempo. Ormai lo utilizzo settimanalmente per tenere un mini-cloud delle cose delle quali posso necessitare da dispositio a dispositivo. E' perfetto.
Puntos en contra:
MediaFire non mi ha mai dato nessun tipo di dispiacere, anzi, si è rilevato molto soddisfacente per le ottime funzionalità e prestazioni.

Amazing to use
Puntos a favor:
Mediafire is amazing when it comes to quickly upload/download any kind of files. It's a really valid cloud-storage software with an amazing speed and it's easy to use thanks to its intuitive interface.
Puntos en contra:
I honestly love everything about Mediafire, maybe i would add an option to stop-resume the downloads in a simple click, but that aside it's perfect

Una Certezza
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire rappresenta la pura affidabilità e rapidità quando si tratta di caricare o scaricare files; la gestione è molto semplice e sicura, e non mi ha mai dato problemi.
Puntos en contra:
MediaFire è un software eccellente, secondo la mia esperienza non ho riscontrato alcun malfunzionamento.
Great cloud file sharing tool
Puntos a favor:
MediaFire is intuitive and easy to use to share files across the web.
Puntos en contra:
Download speeds can be slow when servers are congested.

Puntos a favor:
Ottimo servizio di archiviazione file, è possibile utilizzarlo anche come utente free senza dover acquistare l'abbonamento, ma consiglierei di farlo per avere più GB di spazio.
Puntos en contra:
Mediafire per me è sempre stato perfetto, purtroppo or come ora ho cambiato software principale perché non mi permette di avere alcune funzioni a mio avviso importanti sia in upload che download; il poter metterli in pausa senza perdere i dati già salvati per me è molto importante.