17 años ayudando a las empresas
a elegir el mejor software
¿Qué es Publitas?
Publitas es una manera muy fácil para que los comercios minoristas conviertan una revista o un catálogo impreso en un catálogo dinámico para compras adecuado para la web y dispositivos móviles. Esta solución permite a diferentes marcas vincular sus catálogos online directamente a sus sitios de eCommerce y es útil para llegar a más personas, impulsar el tráfico y vender más. Más de 2000 destacados comercios minoristas, como Staples, Aldi, Carrefour e IKEA, usan Publitas para crear catálogos digitales.
¿Quién usa Publitas?
Sus planes Enterprise se usan en algunos de los comercios minoristas más grandes del mundo, como IKEA, Staples, Aldi y Carrefour. Sus planes de autoservicio son adecuados para comercios minoristas y tiendas de comercio electrónico de pequeño y mediano tamaño.
¿Tienes dudas sobre Publitas?
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Opiniones de Publitas
Muy conforme con el producto.
Puntos a favor:
Lo más importante para mí, es la facilidad en las publicaciones y la programación. Su interfaz con Analitycs.
Puntos en contra:
En nuestro caso contamos con distintas zonas de precios, veo negativo que cada una de esas zonas de una misma publicación cuenten como publicaciones del pack. Veia negativo no poder incorporar gif animados o pequeños dinamismos pero entiendo que ahora ya se pueden incorporar.
Innovative, Fast-Paced, and a Pleasure to Work with.
Comentarios: They are an absolute pleasure to work with. I've been in the technology business for twelve years and have worked with hundreds of 3rd parties. By far, Publitas is my favorite. The fact that they come to our quarterly meetings with not only free upgrades, but revenue-driving features is incredible. All partners should behave the same. In addition, when we also mention improvements we'd like to see in the future - it's as if by magic, the feature is ready for us within a week or two.
Puntos a favor:
Publitas is consistently innovating their e-catalog software to allow for embedded playable videos, slideshows, animated gifs for an incredible user experience. Every three months they come up with something that is astonishing. Now, they are working on personalized catalogs, automated builders, lead-forms to acquire new customers, and integrating into sales applications. Integration was easy. Publitas was up and going on our site within 3 days once contracts were signed. (It took us time to load in our 25 catalogs.)
Puntos en contra:
The google tag manager integration is cumbersome; though Publitas is entirely willing to assist in the setup process as well as help us debug issues that originated in the original EPIserver setup.
Alternativas consideradas previamente:
Excellent Platform
Puntos a favor:
We have Publitas in use for multiple customers. Great UI, intuitive, excellent Enterprise features - especially dynamic publications. We love the Google Analytics integration and just recently integrated a DMP with one of our retail customers. Worth mentioning: world class customer success team as well.
Puntos en contra:
Looking forward to shopping list feature.
Respuesta de Publitas
hace 4 años
Thank you, Adam!
Alternativas consideradas previamente:
Digital version of our magazine looks great
Puntos a favor:
Publitas is easy to use and helps us make our biannual magazine available to our online readership quickly and in a visually attractive manner.
Puntos en contra:
Publitas does not offer specific accessibility features but instead relies on you to upload accessible PDF files. This can be challenging depending on the PDF source and I wish there were built-in options to improve the accessibility of PDFs uploaded to Publitas.
Respuesta de Publitas
hace 10 meses
We appreciate you taking the time to write us this review and providing detailed insights for other potential buyers. Your feedback will be taken back to our team to keep optimizing our offering.
Alternativas consideradas previamente:
Easy to use
Puntos a favor:
Easy to upload PDF files, or update an existing PDF without the need to re-tag! Integrates with eCommerce. Can build publications with platform as well.
Puntos en contra:
The flip animation could be improved with more creative options.